EvoGenomics.AI is a network for AI applications in evolutionary genomics kindly funded by Imperial College London, CNRS and TUM.
Two of the main scientific advancements in recent years are the capacity to obtain genome sequences at massive scale and the improved predictive power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). By integrating these two disciplines, it is now possible to efficiently infer the evolutionary history of species of interest from their genomes. Specifically, machine learning (ML) algorithms have shown promising results in the inference of past demographic history, hybridization and admixture events, spatial structure, life history traits and genes under natural (Darwinian) selection.
Our network brings together experts in the field of AI/ML applied to genomic data for evolutionary inferences. We are interested in providing user-friendly software, exploring new algorithms, educating interdisciplinary students, and setting new standards in the field. Through a series of training and outreach events, we seek to provide a unified framework for AI applications in evolutionary genomics.